two weeks ago, at the classroom ..

the lecture said that the class will held a competition, and the competition is for the midtest.
*excited* and the object is one of the heritage building in Banda Aceh. That is PSSI Tower !

the deadline is a week after the announcement . and everybody were in rush for taking the picture of this building. a unique thing is everyone didnt post the picture few day before the deadline (include me -_-') lol

I was in a rush because the photo that i want to submit was failed to upload >< . but .. finally, I submitted this photo ... *taaaaa-daaaaaaaaaaaa*

 this picture is the photo that I submitted for the competition . what do you think guys ?
well, there are another 20 photos that also submitted for the competition. and I was so nervous how the result.  ><

last Monday ,  at the online group the lecture post the nomination of the winner. there are six photos. and, my photo .... was one of them (><)/ *yay* .

on Monday, at the classroom again, the lecture announced the winner of the photo competition. and the winner is Fauzan Akbar as 1st winner :D *congrats* .

what I've learn from this is making the best choice is the important. find our own style and being different from others. even-tough you have a great photos but others have the same type/style like you do, but only one picture that will come out as a winner :') *let's be different* *remember my clouds*  

smile - hanan -


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